Colonial Cafe, Wellington - 5/10
Colonial cafe is a neat little cafe down the bottom end of the Terrace. It was probably best known as as the last cafe to allow smoking before non-smoking legislation made smoking in public places illegal.

Now I know this place because it makes the best sausage rolls in the City. But that is another life and totally unrelated to burgers. Apart from the fact you eat them. And that they potentially can make you fat. Practice moderation people and exercise!! Thats all I can say.
Now Mat and I got our wires crossed when discussing $10 burgers on the Terrace. I assumed he was talking about The Pub, which had just opened across from work. In fact he was talking about the Colonial Cafe, which I had never ever thought of as a place for a lunch burger. So, as he was keen, and Brad couldn't make it (working from home in the Wairarapa - lucky for some). I decided to give it a go.

(Egg +beetroot) - avocado = $1.00. You need the price of two of the three to work out the third but to me the Avocado seems like a good deal.

Presentation was surprisingly good. I particularly liked what they did with the avocado - not cutting all the way through and then fanning the pieces out. The Colonial they offset the top bun so you could see the fried egg sitting on top.
The buns were buttered and grilled. However, they were quite bready i.e. crumbly. The bacon was not the fancy stuff. The pattie was processed and had a sausage-meat consistency and taste to it. However, it was all fresh and put together with care. So good on them. Ultimately, the quality of the ingredients reflected the price point.

Looking at the economics (and I am just hypothesising here as I have no idea of the price of a processed pattie vs. a homemade one and so I am guessing), if they upgraded to a homemade pattie it would add probably $1.00 to their cost. They could easily raise the prices by $1.00 and still sell just as many, and probably more as it then becomes a gourmet burger and not a run of the mill fish and chip shop/bakery burger. Remember, you are on the Terrace, where there are people with money!!
But then wouldn't you upgrade the bacon? And then why not the bun? Ultimately its probably best to set the price low and sell it for what it is - a well made burger with a processed pattie and no frills. So no expectations and, if anything, an 'exceeded expectations' result.

Mat will go back as he sees value there. And many people actually like the taste of processed patties. Take the Sausage McMuffin as a case in point. Me, I'm probably a bit more picky, particularly as every burger I eat goes straight to my waistline and so I don't want to waste quality calorie space.
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