Sweet Mother's Kitchen, Beef Burger - 6/10

Sweet Mother's Kitchen is a New Orleans/Mexican cafe at the top end of Courtney Place.  Its been around for a while, but I had never been there before.  I was with a couple of mates looking for somewhere to eat before the movies and somehow ended up there.

This looked damn fine.
A burger was on the menu.  I ordered the gumbo - it was a NO/Mexican cafe, why wouldn't I?  One of the guys ordered the burger.  He declared it to be the best burger he had ever had!!  I was jealous.  I couldn't believe he was chowing into this magnificent burger, while i was slapping gumbo!!

I came back the next week with my burger crew - Cuffy and Hoppy.  I had built the occasion up, pretty much suggesting we were going to have the best burgers ever!!  We ordered three burgers.

The burgers arrived and looked fantastic.  Deep fried gherkins!!  I have never had deep fried gherkins before.  I was excited but went through my normal routine of photographing and dissecting.

The boys, meanwhile, were tucking in.  And here is where the story turns.  They were just not impressed.  Dry.  No flavour.  Nothing special.

But while it looked damn fine, it lacked any juicy goodness.
Note the absence of juice on the plate and the crumbly meat pattie.
I just could not believe it.  Last week Brendon was almost crying it was such a good burger!!

I took a bite.  And then another.  I tried to convince myself that it was great.  But it wasn't.  It was just OK.  Run of the mill.  Neither here nor there.

To me it was just disappointing.  The burger was dry as a pancake.  And the meat pattie was crumbly.  Not a drop of pattie juice was anywhere to be seen on the plate.

All I could do was apologise for overpromising and underdelivering.  And talk about how it looked so good the previous week.  Perhaps it was just an off day.  Perhaps the cook was sick?  Perhaps they were yesterday's patties.

At the end of the day we were eating today's burger and not last week's (Note this was in December last year and not today!!) And you are only as good as your last burger.  Not too good then.

Reason for visiting:  to see whether you can turn up on a day when the burger is the best burger ever, or to try the gumbo.


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